I gave her a nice foot massage this evening and she went to bed early, by 9:30 she was wiped out and for good reason. Tomorrow we are seeing her radiation oncologist for the last time and then she has physical therapy and speech therapy....a busy day.
By the way, for those of you that are keeping track...basically this is what's left of my downstairs bathroom. Yikes...I sure hope it's done by the time I get home this weekend.
lol on the bathroom. But it sounds like you have an upstairs bathroom. When my bathroom looked like that all I had was an outhouse. Ahhh the memories... did I mention it was the dead of winter and we had an icestorm?
Your mother looks good in her photos. Glad to see she has some energy.
Your mom really looks good Linda.
Now the bathroom, not so much LOL
We redid the bathroom in our second house, won't do that again. But it was fun, and I loved it when we were finished.
Hope it's all done when y'all get up there!
I'm glad to hear that your mom got some speech therapy lined up Lin. You should get some good pointers from the therapist.
The bathroom will all come together. That kind of stuff always does. It might not be completely done by the time you get home but it will be really close. Jim will make it happen.
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