Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day and PAD for 12/25

We really had a wonderful day with family, I just wish that Robert was with us but I am sure that there will be many more holidays to celebrate together.

My photo for today is of me and Jim, we don't take that many of the two of us so I am glad that I have this to remember our Christmas this year.

Alex added $100 to his "guitar fund" today so he was thrilled with that and I know he is saving up his allowance money so that he can buy the guitar that he wants! We will see how long it takes him to get it. He really had a great time playing with his little cousins, I guess it is pretty cool that he's the older one now. Matthew will be 5 in January and he just loves to hang out with his big cousin, Alex. Abby will be 3 in April and I can't get over her, she is so smart and her speech is amazing for that age. And then there is Lily who turned 3 in September, she is just so precious and playful. It really is a blessing to see the next generation of our family growing up before our eyes.

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