With the older boys pretty much settling into their own apartments we are doing some reorganization and I have decided that I have been cramped in this small room long enough and will reclaim the larger bedroom for my scrap space so stay tuned for some pictures when that project is all said and done. We have split up Alex into 2 rooms and this makes for a much less crowded bedroom with only his bed, dresser and nighstand with TV on it. Pookie has to always park herself on the bed after I made it, I think she misses Alex once he has left for school in the morning and she smells his scent on the bed. The other room we are calling his 'media room' where he has his desk with computer and his XBox360 hooked up to the big TV that Nancy and Paul gave us when we visited them for Christmas, they hadn't used it for 2 years and Alex was happy to take it off their hands as long as we were able to make it fit in the car and take it home. Will post photos of Alex's rooms when everything is completed.
I went into the city to meet up with Sandi for our monthly get together yesterday and riding the train for 90 minutes gives me a lot of time alone where I can just think and relax, I listen to music and enjoy the solitude. It is in these times that I think about mom a lot and I can't believe that it has been almost 8 months since she left this earth but I am still grateful for every moment we had with her up until the end. I truly hope that in 3 weeks when I begin my bereavement group I will get a lot out of it and start coming to terms with my loss because there are many days that I don't feel I have fully accepted it.
As I look to the week ahead I am free as a bird every night this week and only working 15 hours so that should give me some much needed time to plan out my scrapbooking room and get the house cleaned up a bit. Have a good week and check back next week because Alex and I are going to visit baby Cole for the Martin Luther King weekend so there will be new pictures to share, I'm sure!!
I was late in my reading
Lots of changes in your life
It's not that cold In Canada(Québec)
this year Love xoxoxoxo
I've found the best way to deal with grief is to talk about it. But, it doesn't work for everyone. When you find what does, you will heal as best as you can. Many hugs! I can't wait to see your pages and what you create this year.
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