...I love doing these random scrapbook pages where I chronicle a day in my life to remember for the future so this will be one of them....
Saturday January 16th, 2010
I rolled out of bed and put on the coffee pot while I let both dogs out and then came back up to wake Alex to get in the shower and start getting ready for our trip to visit Nancy, Paul and Cole this weekend. My coffee is good and warm and feels nice.
I stopped in at the library to pick up a couple of movies to watch on the bus ride, Alex asked me this morning if we had Iron Man on the shelf because he wanted to watch it and as luck would have it we actually had a copy on the shelf, amazing! A quick stop at the ATM because I realized I only had $2 in my wallet (hahaha, I don't usually carry too much cash with me) and back home I went to load up the car and get going.
We are on the train, Jim dropped us off at 11:30 and Alex chose 2 donuts from the Dunkin Donuts at the train station and I was proud of myself for passing up....but I might weaken when I pass by Krispy Kreme in Penn Station if they have my favorite maple frosted ones.
Alex and I had lunch in Penn Station once we arrived at 1:00pm...and yes, I am proud to say that I did not cave into the sweet delicious maple donuts...I just kept on walking.
We got some salads to take on the bus with us and walked upstairs to get in line and we were the 5th in line so when our bus arrived we pretty much had our choice of seats and I wanted to stay on the lower level of the double decker bus since we could sit where we had a table between us which would come in handy with our laptops and our salads.
Alex wasn't too happy because he wanted to sit up top but I promised him that I would let him choose our seats on monday when we head home.
Once we were on our way the bus driver put in a movie and I was pleasantly surprised because this was my 3rd trip on
Megabus and we didn't ever get a movie before so this was a bonus! We saw the movie "
Up!" and it was really cute and then just as soon as that movie ended the drive popped in "
The Spiderwick Chronicles" which was another good movie that we had never seen so it made the trip go by really quickly to watch 2 movies along the way.
The bus pulled into the parking lot in DC ahead of schedule and Alex and I made our way to the spot where Paul picked us up and we went back to their house to get to see Cole for about 1/2 an hour before he had to go to bed but I know that tomorrow we will get to spend more time with him so I am looking forward to that.
Not much else going on...the typical lounging...Alex and Uncle Paul.....goodnight!