Friday, February 22, 2008

Enough for a snowman...

...makes for a happy little boy here!

Alex was so excited to be able to go out and make a snowman even though by the time he was done it had started to rain and I had to make him come in because he was getting soaking wet.

Hard to believe that in a couple of days we will be flying off to a nice and warm place when here we sit in a winter weather advisory in the northeast today.

I have to remember to be a bit more choosy in my photo taking this trip so that I don't have hundreds of pictures that I want to scrapbook, you just can't do it all because eventually you just have too many layouts and the book is too big, much like the one I did for our last trip to Hawaii. I am excited that I have the tripod that I'll be able to use so that I can take family photos with all of us in it and not have to ask someone else to take the shot for us.

1 comment:

Scrappy Gal said...

Wow.....he can come here and we've got plenty of snow...feet of it actually. Cute Snowman!