Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bringing mom home today

Mom is coming home today after being in the hospital and then rehab since April 6th and I could tell that she was really happy and looking forward to sleeping in her own bed again.

We saw the doctor yesterday and while we haven't gotten a final answer he is calling the neurosurgeon and wants to ask him if he would operate on mom again to remove the regrowth and insert gliadel wafers to release chemo right into the cavity to kill off any remaining microscopic cells that remain. Once we find out if the option is there I hope that mom will be able to help make the decision, I'm not sure if she fully understands what is going on.

More to come....


Anonymous said...

thanks for the update

please tell her my love


June said...

Linda, praying

Kelly said...

I'm glad she is home with you and praying for you all!!

mama j said...

Linda--been thinking about you a lot lately--my dh has a dear friend who just had surgery on her front left lobe, y'day to remove a tumor--and they inserted those wafers, while they were in there (I didn't realize they could do a biopsy so fast--they did and the news wasn't good, so they inserted those "bad boys" while she was still under)---I keep thinking about your Mom and how she's continued to fight, w/ so many odds against her...and hold onto this hope for D's friend and several others we know who are batteling cancer.

How's the transition of bringing her back home, gone? I may be emailing you soon, re: something similar.

((hugs)) and here's to a GREAT weekend, okay?