Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Lots to talk about this week

I haven't had the time to really sit and write since last week, life gets so busy and before you know it another week has flown by. I hope that continues to happen and that spring comes and visits us soon! To say that I really hate the months of January and February would be a gross understatement because quite frankly once the holidays are over I am depressed and hate the cold and just wish for March to get here already so that I can feel that the warmer months are finally approaching. I love the newness of spring with all of the growth on the trees and the flowers blooming all over the place, it's a great time of year. So hurry up, spring!

One thing I didn't post about on my Christmas blog is some exciting news that we got, a holiday gift for our family if you will. I had to keep quiet about it because not everyone knew and since my sister's stepson (my nephew, Josh) is in Navy boot camp and he had to be told before he found out about it from someone else. Sooooooooooooooo, now that everyone knows pretty much and I don't have to keep it a secret............

.......drum roll please.............

Meet my new yet unnamed nephew!!! My baby sister is expecting a little boy in June and I for one cannot WAIT for that day to happen. I can't even begin to describe the feeling of joy when we all found out. First of all I was video taping as mom opened up the card that Nancy and Paul gave her and she immediately went into that ugly cry that you get when you are so overwhelmed and I knew it had to be something amazing but I had NO IDEA and then mom turned the card around and I saw that little bundle and I just lost it! Everyone was thrilled, even my oldest son Jesse had tears in his eyes when he was hugging his aunt. It was truly a magical christmas for us all and I cannot wait to hold this little boy in my arms and shower him with love (and presents of course, hehehe) and not to mention SCRAPBOOK his life!! Whooo!!!

Alex is really excited that he is going to have another cousin, as well. Here he is touching his 'cousin' and then reading "Goodnight Moon" to the baby, how cute is he? It's a nighttime ritual that he loved doing for Aunt Nancy since Uncle Paul went out that night to see Jim's band play at a club nearby.

So of course a new year brings with it thoughts of what you want to accomplish and for me that usually means some sort of organization. I know that last year at this time I redid my whole room complete with peg board, shelving, etc. Well I saw this on a message board and loved the idea so I went to Target and got the shoe cubbie and this is what I came up with, great storage for my die cutting area, I love it!!!

On friday morning I am taking mom for her MRI and we are hoping for good news at her follow up appointment with her doctor on the 21st. Please keep the prayers coming!


mama j said...

WHAT A FUN POST! I don't know what to say--except YAY! Congrats! And OMG--I totally got teared up at the sight of Alex reading "Goodnight Moon...." how freaking PRECIOUS!!!

Love it!

Ginger said...

Yippeeeee!! How fabulous! I love Alex reading to the baby! Precious!

Love the cubbie, too. Perfect for that! BTW, I'm selling all my sizzix stuff, so let me know if you're interested! I just want it GONE!

Thinking of you and praying for great news from the MRI!

June said...

Linda, congratulations on the new baby. Alex is just so cute!!

Love your cubbie, maybe I'll be still long enough to get organized, too (now, stop laughing LOL)

Praying my friend, as always

Anonymous said...

happy for Paul & Nancy
hope everything goes well for your mom
love Madeleine

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Nancy and Paul!

Kelly said...

Congratulations on your new nephew-to-be!!! What fabulous news!!!