I watched the ball drop last night with Alex, he and I were the only ones up...honestly I could have gone to bed, I was pretty tired...but Alex said he wanted to stay up and he didn't want to miss the new year. How could I refuse him, seriously? You know, I just feel with children you have to take these special moments and cherish them and never let them go. At the stroke of midnight that little boy hugged me and said, "Happy New year, mom, I love you!" Does it get any better than that? Come on, does it? I think not!!
Today Jim and Robert and Alex went out...in fact as I type they aren't home yet...Jim is going to have a rough time getting up for work in about 7 hours!! LOL!! Mom and I had a nice quiet day together, we watched a few episodes of "John and Kate Plus 8" and mom played a little bit of Chuzzle and Bejeweled on her computer which was nice to see, I told her that it's good for her to play the games and use her brain as much as possible.
Happy 2009 to everyone who reads my blog. I hope that the coming year brings you all peace and happiness and that all of your dreams come true.
Hope she is able to speak with me one day
nice work
never to close of your kid
love Madeleine
Great job!
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