It's beyond cold, this is some of the coldest weather we've seen in years!! Wouldn't you know it I have the bad luck of scheduling mom's MRI for today so I decided that it was way too cold to risk taking her out in this and rescheduled for the 26th with the OK from the oncologist. He's going to have her blood workup drawn so we can still get her levels and counts checked out even though we don't see him until February 3rd now. Thankfully the blood lab comes to the house and that doesn't require taking mom out in the frigid weather!
More later...........
**Edited to say it is currently 3 degrees at the moment!!**
I went out earlier for a few groceries and when I got back mom had 2 sweaters and 2 blankets on...mind you I keep my thermostat at 71 for her where I would normally keep it at 68. I hope this cold spell leaves us and SOON!!!
Just figures, huh?! You all stay warm! {hugs}
how cold is it
here this morning it was 45 only in montrea it was -12
love Madeleine
she is not use to that weather and she does'nt move to much...
love Madeleine
It's been single digits here for days. lots of snow also. I can't wait for spring. ~ Deb ~
is it getting any warmer?
We're expecting a cold one tomorrow but today is upper 70s...crazy weather!
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