It sure is good to be back home in my own bed after being away for 2 nights for a scrap weekend. It was fun but I didn't get as much done as I had hoped, I packed too much and I guess I had ambitions of doing more but it didn't happen. I've decided that I am more the "day cropper" and will stick with that for a while. I do have my eye on a weekend next summer, we'll see if that pans out.
We stayed at a nice hotel in New Jersey and the staff was so friendly and helpful to us, everyone said hello and had a smile on their face when I passed them in the hall. I love the look of the building from the outside, it looked like a castle. I got there a little earlier than Sandi so I took a walk around the grounds in the back and it was very beautiful and the weather was glorious this past weekend, almost a shame to be cooped up inside the whole time, though. I think there should be a rule that it rains while you're cropping and then it stops only when you need to pack up and load your car at the end of the crops.
This was one of the layouts that I knew I had to complete because it was for a challenge on the scrap message board I belong to. These pictures are from 1984...I was about 2 weeks away from giving birth to Jesse and boy was I huge, not to mention I was so swollen.
More to come..........
wow you look like Nan or all the way around,so young looking oh by the way I know who you look
Nice layout Linda! Sounds like you had a nice time away, but glad to be back as well! I know how that goes :)
Your right the hotel does look like a castle.Whats the inside lok like? Get some rest.Keep up the great work.
That hotel is gorgeous!! Have you unpacked yet? I haven't! LOL! I don't have time to scrap-so I'm leaving it packed, in case I get to a crop before I scrap at home!
Two nights! Holy cow. Cropping for two days straight??? No rest for the weary....
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