Monday, January 10, 2011

January 10th

Nothing fancy today...just a random photo of my son waiting for his bus to pick him up from school. I sometimes just sip my coffee and watch out the window to make sure he's ok...and that he gets on the bus safely. I can't believe that he's actually 13 already and will be entering high school in the fall, when did that happen? I feel as if I just held his hand as we walked across the street and now he's a young man who doesn't need me to get him safely across anymore. I do like to think that he does still need me for certain things that only a mother can fix, though. :)


June said...

Awww, yeah, Linda they will always need us at some point. Still can't believe how big Alex has gotten!!

Nancy said...

Make sure he doesn't see you out that window! ( or at least his friends don't)