Saturday, September 13, 2008

Scrap till you drop?

I suppose that was me the past week...with my sister in law's birthday looming close I decided that I would make her an album so that she would have her memories intact to share with her grandchildren someday (isn't that the whole point of scrapbooking?). You see, my now 60 year old sister in law went on a month long motorcycle trip back in the summer of 2006 and for me I know that if I accomplished something like that I would certainly want to have something tangible to remember it and share it with my grandchildren someday! I have to admit, I bit off more than I could chew but I put in some marathon scrapbook nights and I managed to get it done (in between working and taking care of my house, my family and mom) I figure I spent about 20 hours total on it and the final product was 36 pages with the last page being a blank canvas with the title "Final Thoughts" and I instructed her to write in her own handwriting and her own words about the trip and how she felt about it.

I will share some of the layouts that I did and hopefully it will inspire someone else out there to do a 'gift' album for someone in their family. Yes, it was a bit of work and time consuming but in the end I feel as though I did something that truly epitomizes the reason why we scrap, for those of us who give the gift of MEMORIES to those that we love.


SWEETPEA37814 said...

Linda You always inspire me.I am glad to see that you still have some time to scrap. all that you do is a always
Best Wishes and Prayers for you and your family

Anonymous said...

WOW! Awesome LOs, Lin. I'm sure your SIL really loved the gift album. Great job on getting it done in crunch time!

mama j said...

Isn't it such a fulfilling feeling, to make and give such a great gift? It's almost a "high" for me...LOL!

ALL of these LOs look awesome Linda! Great work!!!