I had a wonderful weekend with my nephew and got lots of hugs and laughter and giggles from him, he is really growing up so fast which is why I have a lot of trips planned to see him in the coming months thanks to Megabus!!!
I love the fact that I can take a bus and be there in about 4 1/2 hours and it costs me next to nothing if I book far enough in advance, this past weekend the bus trip cost me $9 round trip! Whooo!! I love the double decker buses, it is so comfortable and going home on sunday morning I was sitting upstairs and in the front seat so I had a great view...here we are pulling out of the parking lot in DC and going through Chinatown before heading over to the northbound interstate.
Aunt Linda misses her little Cole already but I will see you for Christmas, I can't wait to show you off to Uncle Jimmy who hasn't seen you since July.
Just a little Cole love to share with my readers.
he is growing so fast...
U HAVE to email me details about the megabus....we'll be in VA this summer and that may be the perfect way to get to LI to visit D's family w/o me driving the boys that long way....where in VA does your sister live? Is it really onlly 4.5 hours? Heck, I may just drive it myself, adding 2 hours to that (thinking she lives in Northern VA). Let me know....Loved catching up on your blog! Cole is soooo precious-but ummm, I don't have to tell you that! ;o)
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