Alex started the 7th grade...how is that possible? I can't believe that next year he will be a teenager and I feel as though he was just a baby yesterday? Time has a way of getting away from you if you don't watch out...we certainly have to live each day to the fullest and cherish all of the memories.
Of course when I took out the camera he said I wasn't taking a picture and I said, "Listen here...we are getting a picture of your first day of 7th grade so you choose...inside or outside...!!!" He posed in the house and then when he wasn't looking I snapped one of him waiting for the bus. I'm so sneaky but a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do!!
Now let's see if I can rewind a bit and continue with my summertime fun memories.
The weekend of August 14th, 15th and 16th was my long awaited scrapbooking retreat. It was my first time attending a Crop Classix event and boy did I enjoy myself!!! This was held at the Marriott in Trumbull, CT and the location couldn't have been more convenient for a summertime crop as far as I'm concerned! First of all it was about a 10 minute drive after I got over to Connecticut once I got off the Pt Jefferson/Bridgeport Ferry and since I absolutely LOVE the convenience of riding the ferry it was ideal for me! That friday morning was picture perfect weather and I got to the ferry early and just walked around a bit until it was time to pull the cars on board and then I settled into a deck chair to enjoy the sun and the view as we started making our way across the Long Island sound.
Right before I snapped this photo I sent Nancy a text that said, "Well Stimpy....dis is dee life!!" For those of you who ever watched, Ren and Stimpy you'll know what that is.
It was about halfway to Connecticut and I was just relaxing and chatting with some random woman sitting nearby when I glanced over and saw a young man on a cell phone and I realized, "Hey...I know that guy...", imagine my surprise when I found my niece, her husband and their little baby daughter on board!!
I did spend some time reflecting on the last time I had been on that ferry...last October when I went to Hartford for the Creating Keepsakes Convention. That ride was sad for me because Nancy had called to tell me that mom's MRI showed that her cancer was growing and that she would have to get some other type of treatment (we later learned she would have surgery to remove the tumors). So this day I looked out over the water and enjoyed the warm august sunshine on my face and thought about mom and how I miss her but also I smiled to know that she loved riding the ferry with my stepdad and doing fun things with him...I know she would have been happy that I was doing something for myself.
More about the scrapbook weekend in my next post...
happy to read you have a nice autumn
That sounds like a super fun trip! I'm jealous. I love how much energy you have too, always on the go. Anxious to see your layouts. :)
Linda, you have been one busy person LOL I so enjoy getting caught up with what's happening through your blog. Congrats to Alex starting 7th grade, boy did that bring back some memories!!
Can't wait to see what you were able to get done at your crop, it sounds wonderful!!
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